This is targeted towards individuals preparing for the CIPLE (Certificado Inicial de Português Lingua Estrangeira) or A2 level Examination whether local or abroad. It’s in a downloadable format so you can access it instantly wherever you are.

You'll receive one (1) PDF file which includes a sample written questionnaire, an answer sheet, and an answer key.

The CIPLE Reviewer was written and curated by Eunice Estipona, who has taken and passed the A2 Test (post-Covid time) and has been living in Portugal for over 10 years. These eBooks are meticulously reviewed by native Portuguese speakers, including Sara Timóteo, Marco Paulo Pinto, and Paulo Bautista, some of whom were her language professors. It is her desire to help you prepare for the written examination and pass it on the first try as she did.

For questions or inquiries about our eBook, please email us at [email protected]


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Stay tuned for the FREE eBook arriving in your email soon.